Influencer Marketing

We help connect brands with ambassadors and influencers to execute an effective marketing strategy. We work with brands and influencers alike to fuse the perfect match.

Influencer Solutions we offer:

  • ambassador partnerships
  • macro/micro-influencers
  • brand + influencer pairing
  • content management

we help get your product in front
of the right people


Ambassador partnerships

we help find the perfect fit for your niche. Brand ambassadors represent a brand to create buzz around your product and increase collaborations, sharing, and engagement.


Brand + influencer pairing

We strategize and connect you with influencers to expand your reach and brand awareness. We take into account a celebrity or influencer’s audience, relevance, and authenticity to help match brands with the perfect partner for greater success.

Product Photography


We have experience working with a variety of influencers. Macro influencers have an audience base of 100k-1m, while micro influencers have anywhere from 10k-100k followers. Depending on your budget and the audience you want to reach, we can help!

Content Management

Content management

We help manage photo shoots and video production to share content with your brand team for approval. Many influencers and celebrities have their own video and photography teams. For those that do not, we will help navigate those waters for you and hire the proper staffing when needed.

Bonne et Filou

Healthy Mama Brand