SEO stands for ‘search engine optimization.’ It is consisting of a set of different strategies through which you can get your website ranked higher on search engines.
SEO is a tedious (and continuous) task but not impossible. Take the help of following resources to help you get ahead of your competition
Crawling of Google
Google is a search engine. It takes help from millions of bots which crawl over the ‘world wide web’ and provide it with appropriate search results.
To know more about the working of Google, we suggest you read about the crawling process of Google. Understanding the crawling process would help you organize your ways into better SEO for your website.
Working of Google
Google utilizes an algorithm, known as “PageRank” to rank websites in its search engine results. The older domain name you have and the more trusted backlinks are available on your website, the better chances of your website performing under the limelight of PageRank.
Google Webmaster Tools
While internet is filled with hundreds of webpages, giving sound advices on improving SEO, what better way could there be to know more about SEO via Google Tools?
‘Google Webmaster Tools’ acts a marketing specialist to help you analyze your website. Also known as ‘Google Search Console’, it allows indexing and optimize the visibility of your website. The coolest thing about this utility is that it is absolutely free.
Broken Link Finder
Having broken links in your website lowers its ranking. Try using ‘Broken link finder’ to know about the state of links, published on your website.
The utility also helps you identify the stale references inside your HTML code.
Google Analytics
One of the most important SEO tools, arguably in the eyes of every SEO expert. Google Analytics helps you measure your ‘return on investment’ and tracks your applications and flash videos on your website. The free tool will inform you about the reaction of people when they visit your website.
Utilizing smart data, you’ll come to know about your visitors from their respective countries. This will help you formulate your next business move.
Google Analytics is “freemium” in nature. This means it is originally free but some features are premium, which ought to be bought to ensure a full experience.
Google Trends
A utility developed by Google, it displays the trendy searches from all over the world. Search engines are known to decrease the rankings of websites featuring obsolete content. To have fresh content, you need to know what the world is looking for.
Google Trends help you get connected with the searches of the target market and help you decide the topics you need to have your website based on. It is one of the tools, every website owner should know about.
Moz Community
Moz is a software company which provides marketing analytics of software world. The company houses ‘Moz community’ which features Q&A, webinars and articles about taking the top spots of search engine results. Join the community to stay in touch with the latest innovations of search engine optimization.
If you liked this Symboliq Media blog, check out these other related articles:
–Most Common SEO Mistakes That Hurt Your Ranking On Google
–Rules for Dominating Online Search Results