the client //
herbal pet is focused on providing safe, natural, veterinarian-recommended cbd products for cats and dogs. cbd has been shown to reduce stress, ease inflammation and pain, and relieve digestive upset and allergies in pets.
the challenge //
when the cbd market opened to furry friends, herbal pet jumped in paws first.
they believed fully in the health benefits of cbd for cats, dogs, and horses alike, but needed help and expertise on packaging, e-commerce, and social media presence.
our team was ready with a holistic marketing strategy tail-ored to meet the challenge.
the solution //
we created a direct to consumer website fully designed for a positive user experience and interface.
we are in the process of rebuilding a new website to add new products and incorporate a fresh new look. the website will better showcase all of the pet products to better move herbal pet into a retail cbd marketplace.
- designed new packaging for tinctures and chews
- customized social media content
- video content
- email marketing campaign strategy