If you’re like most businesses, you’re unsure of what to post on your social media accounts right now. Certain posts may seem insensitive, while posting nothing at all might make you worry that your audience will forget you exist. So what kinds of things can you post that will not only engage your followers but help you retain and attract new customers for once this is all over?
Tips to Managing Your Social Media During COVID-19
Analyze Current Content Strategy
The first step in knowing what to post is evaluating your current content. You want to take a look at content created pre- COVID-19, and make any adjustments that may make the post no longer relevant. This is also the perfect time to stop and take a look at your social media content that you have been posting. What has been working for your audience and what has not been working? Has your ideal customer changed at all based on that information?
The best way to analyze how your current marketing strategies are resonating with followers is to take time to look through the data insights available for business social media accounts. You can gain a lot of information just by looking at the posts your followers engage with most.
By stepping back and taking a look at your current social media post strategy, you have an opportunity to make any content shifts that need to be made.
How Often Should You Post to Social Media?
Keep in mind, there is a huge increase in social media activity because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the world is socially distancing, people have a lot more time to scroll through social media and are consuming a lot more social media content than before. We would recommend posting 3-5 times a week, depending on your industry. As a business, you can take advantage of this and make your voice be heard. Posting consistently 3-5 times a week is key, but don’t overdo it with content that won’t sit well with followers.
What Not to Post on Social Media During COVID-19
Let’s address the elephant in the virtual room-is it okay for your brand to address COVID-19? Our opinion? Yes! This is something we are all going through right now and something we can all relate on. Addressing COVID-19 won’t hurt your business if you do it the right way. Don’t come off as though you’re scared or desperate. Stay positive and hopeful in your social media content, for your followers!
Right now, people are craving convenient solutions that are conveyed compassionately by brands. So, there is a possibility that your “business as usual” salesy posts can be taken negatively. If your content is deemed a “turn off” by your followers, you can face backlash and possibly lose trust and credibility.
But what if you need sales right now to stay afloat? We’re not saying don’t post about your products and services, you just need to be aware of how your post is coming off to your followers. Be empathetic in your posts and try to address challenges your customers might be facing right now. Let them know that your brand is there for them through all of this and how you can help.
Additionally, one of the biggest mistakes we’ve been seeing brands making is that they’re not listening to their audience. Relationship building involves mutual communication. Practicing social listening will not only engage your audience but allow you to listen to the challenges they’re facing too.
COVID-19 Content Tips for your Brand’s Social Media Accounts
Right now is a stressful time for all of us. So, as we’ve discussed, keeping your “business as usual” mentality might not be the best way to proceed, depending on what your products or services are.
Here are some content tips to help you generate social media posts that will engage your followers and help you retain and attract new customers:
- Whatever you do, stay present on social media. Right now is an opportunity to build trust with your followers and social media is the perfect channel to do so.
- Create posts that are compassionate and empathetic to the situation.
- Think outside the box – what do your customers need right now and how can you help? How can you solve your customer’s problems? How are you adapting your services to help people through the global crisis?
- Stay positive and hopeful in your published content.
- Post things like authentic videos, updates, or client testimonials.
- Share why you started your business/your story.
- Publish fun, engaging posts that will be interactive and involve your followers.
- Maintaining consistent posting and interaction with followers is so important right now because you can provide value in ways that don’t have to be financial.
Hiring a Social Media Manager
Here at Symboliq Media, we have a team of creative professionals that all work together and collaborate with our clients. We help our clients create the perfect social media strategy that will portray the brand’s voice, but seem sensitive to the global situation we are currently facing. To learn more, contact us or schedule a free consultation with one of our digital marketing experts.
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