Welcome back to the second episode of our Symboliq Whiteboard Wednesday video series. This week, our Co-Founder, Randy Blakeslee discussed a few of the many misconceptions around branding.
How long has it been since you revisited your branding? Have you reevaluated your company’s aesthetic within the last 5-10 years? If not, don’t worry – we’re here to help get you back in the race with a new look and direction to not only excite your consumers but reignite your employees’ passion as well.
Misconception #1: Branding is your logo, colors, and fonts.
A lot of people think branding is composed of your logo, colors, and fonts. While those are elements of your branding, it’s important to note that branding is not just a logo. It’s the entire idea behind your brand – a promise you make as a company to follow your mission.
Misconception #2: You can build a brand if you don’t know your why.
Don’t let the competition pass you by because they have spent time getting to know their why. “Why” essentially is the reason behind the creation of your brand. What do you want your customers to understand and believe in? You have to go deep and understand who you are and push that passion into everything that you do to be successful. If you’re considering a rebrand, it’s a great time to revisit your why.
Misconception #3: You built the success of your brand.
Your entire team is what comprises and represents your brand. Your team is what has helped build your brand’s culture and you didn’t build that culture singlehandedly.
We hope to see you in two weeks for our next Whiteboard Wednesday episode!
Check out our last episode of Whiteboard Wednesday:
–Ep. 1 The Importance of SEO