Whiteboard Wednesday Ep. 09: Purpose of Content

What is your content doing for you? If you can’t answer that question quickly, you’ll want to catch this episode of Whiteboard Wednesday. Randy talks with our Senior Content Producer, Jillian Love, about the purpose of content and gives you a few tips on what good content should do for your brand.

  1. Drive Traffic

You need to make content actionable. Your main purpose in creating content is to connect with your audience on a more personal level to drive conversions. When creating content, remember what conversions look like for you, whether a conversion equates to driving your target audience to your website, store, purchase, make an appointment, etc.

2. Be Engaging

Your content should be engaging and re-engaging. It needs to provide value to customers and prospective customers. Remember: your content needs to be memorable, sharable, usable, and fun.

3. Reinforce What You Do

Use content to remind people of what you do and why you do what you do. Why should people listen to you or buy from you? Know who you are and remind people every once in a while.

4. Showcase Your Expertise

There is a hunger for learning and continual education, speak about what you know and people will want to listen. LinkedIn is a great platform that you can utilize for showing your expertise and taking leadership in your industry.

5. Tell Your Story

This is your heaviest lift. Your content should purposefully tell your story. Telling your story should include who you are, what you do, why you do it. But the most important part of telling your story — make sure you’re consistent across all platforms.

Happy Wednesday!

if you liked this vlog, be sure to check out our other recent whiteboard wednesday posts:

whiteboard wednesday ep. 08: b2p > b2b
whiteboard wednesday ep. 07: is it time for a rebrand?

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