In the planet of internet marketing, there are certain topics that even give the Guru’s nightmares. SEO is one of them because nobody has the definitive explanation that which are the right rules are to dominate the online search result.
How to Dominate Online Search Results
If you are searching for some excellent ways to dominate the online search result in the coming year, 2018 then follow some rules that can prove as a standout for you.
Assess the speed of your page and improve it according to necessity
Google Page Speed Insight is your best weapon here to determine the specific areas of your domain that need to get an improvement. With the process of increasing the page speed of your site, you will be able to improve the potential visibility. There are some tools that you can use the GTMetrix, Pingdom, and Varvy.
Areas to improve:
- Diminish the response time of the server to requests
- Reduce the JavaScript and render-blocking CSS over the fold of website
- Enable some compressions such as GZip
- Optimize images with the loss-less picture optimizers etc.
For your personalized domain Use the CDN and Use DNS to serve your web content quickly
Utilizing the CDN or the content-deliver network such as Amazon’s CloudFront is necessary here. This can be crucial for you to serve the content quickly to the users. CDN can spread your web content across different servers all over the world with mirroring the content and then serving that particular content from the visitor’s nearby server. Another way is to consider moving your DNS to CloudFlare or similar type of configuration.
Building content online with good value
Creating excellent content is your best way to rule the online search result. Google has the ability to sniff out the good content every month with better content. Try to cover all the possible ways to make your content great and that will increase traffic to your website. Great content has the capability to engage more visitors. Bound your content with minimum words and make a healthy link to the profile for that. Make keyword base content and make it well versed. Instructional content and easy to read contents are most preferable.
Make it mobile responsive and usability athwart devices
Mobile and smartphones are most dependable today for searching different topic. Focus on the usability and mobile responsive factors.
Enhance the user experience
Creating an excellent user experience can be the best way for you. Make your website pretty much easy to use and easy to search or navigate for the users. Don’t add so many pop-ups and categorize the contents for easy use. Make the menu of the site user-friendly.
Supplement the website content with engaging audios and videos
Add more engaging content on your site like the audio, videos, graphics etc. You search engine concerned about the fact that how much time the visitors are spending on your site and podcasts, videos, audios can make your content more valuable that the visitors will find more interest.
Keyword diversity
Add the keyword based content with keyword diversity. LSI technology is the best option for you to dominate the online search result.
Leverage the social media platform for viral content also. There are also many ways of using content links, use trusted domains and so on.
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–Mobile & Desktop SEO: Different Results, Different Content Strategies